We welcome all patients with special needs. Our Specialist Paediatric Dentists have extensive experience in the treatment and management of patients with special needs through their work at Princess Margaret Hospital for Children as well as extensive clinical experience at various Children’s Hospitals across Australia such as Westmead Centre for Oral Health in Sydney and the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. We understand that maintaining the oral health of children with special needs can be challenging. As such we will work together with your child’s other health care providers to achieve a good oral health outcome for your child.
Both our surgeries have ample parking with easy wheelchair access and have been designed with oversized passageways to allow easy access for patients in wheelchairs. We also have regular access to general anaesthetic lists, should this be necessary in the dental management of your child.
Children with Autism
All our Paediatric Dentists are very experienced in managing children with Autism. We are also aware that as a parent you may be anxious about your child’s first dental appointment. You may be worrying that your child may have an unpleasant experience, or perhaps worried that you will feel embarrassed in the event your child is not compliant. Please feel reassured that our staff are very supportive of parents who have children with Autism and every effort will be made to work with you to develop a positive outcome.
We are aware that there are many stimuli in a dental surgery that may provoke anxiety in your child. These may include noises, smells, bright lights, tastes, textures and the fear of the unknown. We have found some parents find it helpful to develop a plan with one of our Paediatric Dentists prior to their child’s first appointment. This will be a 15 minute appointment with or without your child to discuss your areas of concern and for you to explain to us what techniques you feel will assist your child in having a positive dental experience. There will also be techniques for you to practice at home as well as a personalised social story book for you to take home.
Useful Links:
Optional questionnaire
Please complete the optional questionnaire below to assist you and your child during their first appointment. Alternatively, you can download and print the questionnaire.